Doing as I am told.

Posts tagged “mind

Stretching Time…

Here’s an example of how my brain functioned today with regards to stretching time.

I’d missed a ferry today, next one would be 50 minutes later.

Now 50 minutes is neither long nor short.

It is somewhere in between.

It’s too long for me to just sit down and wait.

Too short for me to do anything else in particular.

My mood, I wanted to go ice skating. I had plenty of time to do unhurried skating today before work.

But 50 minutes wait is 50 minutes less of ice skating. Although I had deliberately unhurried, due to a freer day, 50 minutes is 50 minutes long!

Where I would normally have a coffee outdoors, 50 minutes would be pleasant, the  sun does not hit that spot at that time of the day.

I was struggling. Restless. Bored. Very Bored.

I was distressed. OMG, I started getting depressed about the Meaning of Life.

As I struggled, I walked around, remembering there was a little skate park nearby.

I went there and decided to figure out my 3-turn, (that’s what it’s called, just going straight and changing directions to  backwards).

What was it about the upper torso, the arms positioning, the no-twist, the using the knees, the smoothness, the glide into position so naturally?

So in my normal shoes I tried the positions, in utter slow motion. Hey, I am not gliding anywhere in rubber soled shoes !

And I think I got it. By Jove, I think I got it !

Forwards outside turn, inside turn,

Backwards outside turn, inside…… !

Oh… I  can’t wait to get to the ice rink.

I looked at the time, lo and behold, 10 minutes to ferry time.

Where did the time go ?

That distressing time became a nugget of no-time gold  for me.

And I shall look for my inline skates. I think it is easier to practice on inline skates because the friction is greater and I can put on more protective gear in case of falls.

Time for the ferry !






All Else is Irrelevant

I don’t always know what to think

Therefore I don’t always know what to write.

I actually like not knowing what to think

It means I have nothing to think about

Which is a good thing.


Once upon a time

I used to say that I am like this and I am like that.

Now I can’t even say that.

Because I evolve so quickly that what I said may no longer mean anything.

Perhaps I can say this. I am as the the truth that I have understood today.


Maybe I can say this

I used to react very badly to certain things.

Later I found out that I could trust my reaction

because it does indicate very clearly that something is very wrong.

So now, instead of reacting, I can see clearly what is wrong

So I don’t react.

Guess what happens.

Because I don’t react, the other thinks that it’s not a problem.

So it seems that I have to react

to show that it is a problem.

But I later mentioned with an exaggerated tired sigh

why do people want to force people into reactions

by responding with care only when there are reactions?

Why does not the person be conscientious himself to hold himself with containment?


Today I understood the Meaning of Life

After decades of searching deep and high, wide and shallow

It is simply this

What do you get up for in the morning ?


Today also I had a new kind of experience

I can be mad at a certain thing or someone

but contain it within that certain thing or someone

and continue in serenity participating in class.

It is weird for me

because when I am upset, it means I am upset at the whole entire world

and my whole evening is spoilt, or my whole classroom experience is spoilt and I would never want to go back again.

But today I experienced it different.

Like I said, my fight class, I never know how I feel about it.

The experience is not consistent.

Sometimes I love it, sometimes I wonder what I am doing there.

Today I got upset at certain conditions and people because I just wanted to train and I was bothered by them.

But one of the instructors went to tell the other instructor that I was unhappy with and he came out to explain the situation for me. I told him that it was an organizational thing, that I was going to encounter it again and again because their arrangement was such. Then quickly I changed the subject, I said, ok, remedy this by showing me this one technique.I looked back at the other trainer who was smiling away, knowing that I was giving him a way out, and a way for us both to quickly get it over with because he knows that all I want to do is to get on with learning and practice and not politics stuffs.

He showed me half, and then left me.

He thought I was just half baked.

But no. I remember.

Yes, I will remember with him, or some other students,

otherwise, I think by now I understand that I am there to learn

to practice, hopefully to have some fun, but if not, then to learn and to practice because that itself is my pleasure.

So in a few hours of these multiple occurences

I learnt that I will go back again next time


and again.

And what I can expect each time

is that I won’t ever know how I will feel about anything or anyone.

But that I will know is I will leave the place having gained something.

Some refinement to the technical skills.

All else I can interact with, react accordingly

war with you, laugh with you, ignore you

At the end of it, what do I leave with ? Is what will be the constant.

So this is my conclusion and understanding for now.

It could be different next time.

I wouldn’t know until I know.

Until then, this is how I am.


So for now,

what gets me up in the morning ?

I don’t really know

Probably wondering what truths and insights I will get

from the day’s experience.

But because life ends in the blink of an eye

and if the meaning of life is as deep and complex

as what gets me up in the morning

then all else of life can’t really matter.

All those big big issues and dramas.

So let me keep an eye on what get’s me up in the morning

and I hold till the evening

That’s what matters.

All else is irrelevant.

(tempers, drama, upsets, inconsiderate peoples, dumbasses)



X-men Brain

What is there to write about today?

You know ‘The Power of Now’? The funny thing is, I got so good at it that, I actually have a problem of Continuity. I do sometimes literally experiment with the things I read about.  Things that interest me, especially the brain stuff , I don’t just nod and chime in and talk about it. I like to go on and understand it by doing.  You can tell opinionators from the people who actually practically know it. Sometimes I get great results, sometimes, I get to notice other problems. So like this particular one, being in the now is incredible. You stop your head spinning with do do do, or worry about tomorrows and what will happen, you get to stop conversations about the past and what you are made of and how it is affecting you now and keeping you stuck. So you kind of sit and it is a relief, very restful. You actually stop your brain talking to yourself. So like now, I am totally present and having a relaxed conversation with my white full screen blog page, having no other agenda that needs looking at a watch, and not going to tomorrows or going  back to what recently happened .I am not pushing a topic, but a topic is happening by itself.  There is a difference in the tension in my brain and scalp.

So when your mind is resting, it gives every pressing thing a break. The great thing is, ideas and insights come out of it. Effortlessly. You don’t make it come. It just floats up.

I played around with it quite out of necessity. I have a runaway brain, sometimes whizzing so fast like a bullet train that it over runs its stops. It is like a hose with high pressure water coming through it, that the head will flip around like a live snake unhandled. Hey what good is an idea if it can’t get to me ? If it misses its stops like making its appearance in my conscious mind ?

Sometimes it will just latch on to something that has no reasonable function.

So when I can get it to stop, I give my brain a rest, I give me a rest and actually can turn it into something very useful. Insights and ideas. I myself found them incredible!

So like the X-men in school My brain needs discipline and training, or I would get burnt. Burnt out. Use my gifts carefully.

So the funny thing about being in the Now, is its Continuity. I can stay in that restful state, something like ‘Duh’. It really feels fantastic, especially  if my brain had been having some workout or  quarrels within. Trouble is, I am so rested, I don’t actually remember the plot. If it is accompanied by an overnight sleep I don’t remember first hand where I left off. I have to wake up a bit, or shake my head like a dog after a bath figuratively.

And then it can even latch on to the not so great stuff as the left off point which can cause me to panic till I find my bearing and my mind again.  Or I have to go through a few points to remember because there are so many things I want to do and interested to do, open projects as well as the ‘have to’s ‘which are not so pleasant. It doesn’t have a Restore Point. I wonder how to create that specifically?

I ask that question  consciously now as  I had been having my own private joke about the irony of it each time I scramble to get my brain back in order. But it is a waste of time and energy to repeat again and again from its unspecific landing point.

And let’s see.



Brain Gear

Hmm. I sit here reluctant to write anything. I am waiting for inspiration, a snap of the fingers and the hand starts typing. Usually when my brain is in neutral, I am reluctant to disturb it. It is resting. Usually my brain is very busy.

Oh I know what. My brain is usually busy, just where and what it is busy with that differs. Usually for me to write anything good, I have to have a full day of doing nothing, just being in neutral gear for the brain, which is different from being bored. Bored is busy-ness for the mind, agitated mind to be placated. Neutral mind is at ease, at peace and just chilling. Being in neutral gives me the space for something to come up, something that is not rubbish, but actually meaningful. So if I have had a busy day meeting people and working, then by the time I come back, I do not have the unwinding of the day and making sense of it to actually write anything that I myself will enjoy.

Imperative that I enjoy my own writing.

And I just did.

A Separate Mind

Hmm. I have to figure out now how to use the typekit. I love this theme but I am not too keen on its font. It’s too round and cartoony and thick.

Anyway, today’s topic for the day is about me learning the bass guitar. Over the years I found I am non musical, which is really strange because I am good at accents in languages. Shouldn’t that make me musical ? But I have no notion of music, how to make one. I am only a listener enjoying them. Not too sophisticated either. Simple bubblegum pop is good enough to raise my spirits and keep it raised. I guess that’s because the rest of my life and my brain analyses is on the heavy side, I don’t need to add that aspect to music. Music really is beyond my comprehension. I am not sure of its logic. Of its effects I know. Just who made the 12 notes for example ? Why is it only twelve ? How can twelve notes make such tremendous study like the classicals? My friends and neighbours learning piano up to the diploma level, what they do is a mystery to me. Not that they can enlighten me either after all those years of hard work and exams in music theory.

So, like the Daily Post inspiring topic , I can live forever, I decided to go it, after doing what I needed to do and accomplish in my life, now I am going for the non serious stuff. There is no career out of it and there is nothing that I can see to add to my repertoire of expertise. It stands on its own. I am not even sure I will get to jam with anyone else. I am just so clueless. But I decided I will have plenty of time. I am sure I am not so dumb, let’s try it, before I die. I have the means to get me the guitar and the books now. Oh yes, I have not decided to take lessons yet for I will not take the pressure of performance for now. As if blogging and writing is not pressure enough on top of other things.

So I picked up my bass guitar, going slowly. I am surprised. After learning to sight read the notes and the left hand on the frets and the right hand  doing the one two rhythm, I have surprised myself. While I am still trying to read the notes and coordinate my left hand on the neck and my right hand to find the right string, suddenly, my hands go much faster than my ability to say my abcs and even faster than I can follow the notes. It suddenly remembers the rhythm and space and goes it by itself. I found that amazing. It learnt by itself. I am not even sure which aspect to concentrate on. The singing of the notes abc, the looking at the notes, or just letting my fingers swing in its own rhythm and memory, following perfectly, which will help me learn the music better ? Anyway,  I think it is fantastic. Especially it had been difficult for me to differentiate on which bar the black dot is on to differientiate the notes. I have to count each note, or go back to the cheat sheet, or tabs. I also thought I was going to have a hard time remembering the sequence of notes. But no, I am doing real fine !

I think it’s going to be ok after all. I myself am amazed how my hands learn by themselves and go their way. Isn’t the body just amazing, how it has a mind of its own independent of my own brain ?