Doing as I am told.

Posts tagged “wp android

WP Android

How do I start this blog ? I have lost the train of blogging. Events happened so fast, I wanted to capture the moments like a snapshot but the work that it would take, I begin to respect the scribe who tediously records everything.

My phone had its time, so I got a new phone. I am not one to spend on phones. I am not one to keep up with technology, it changes too fast. But when I went to check out the service plans of a different phone company, I saw this phone being unwrapped and tested out. I saw its brilliant colors, its generous size. I said ‘I want it.’

And so I got it. Just like that. Samsung Galaxy Note.

When I got the phone call, I didn’t even know how to answer it. I kept pressing this and that. It turns out that one has to press then slide. Huh !

One of the first things I did was of course download WordPress for Android.

The phone is brilliant. I enjoy owning it.

It also turns out that many other people I know got it too!

Yeah !